Wednesday, 24 June 2015

See photos of the mysterious Islamic tribe where women embrace sexual freedoms.

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Striking photographs of the mysterious Islamic tribe where women embrace sexual freedoms, dictate who gets what in divorce and don’t wear the veil because men ‘want to see their beautiful faces’ see photos below
Freedoms: Before young Tuareg women marry, they are allowed to take as many different lovers as they want - as long as they abide by the strict rules of privacy which govern their society
Rules: This means the man must only arrive at her tent after dark, and leave before sunrise. Pictured: A Tuareg woman's decorated hands
Concealed: The men begin to cover their faces at puberty, and will keep them covered in front of their elders and most women. The exception is their wives or girlfriends 
Huge family: There are thought to be more than a million Tuareg people, separated into different family groups

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