Friday 8 July 2016


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These days, we have a lot of "actors" and followers during worship. Forgetting the truth (not fact) that worship is never about us (leaders/congregation)

IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS!! HE should be the One at the center of our worship. GOD expects us to loose sense of ourselves, environment, pretty makeup and fancy dresses and FOCUS only on HIM.
Worship should be VERTICAL, to GOD alone, to only One AUDIENCE who is GOD. ☁🌠 We are often instructed to close our eyes during worship/prayers, this isn't because it's a ritual exercise as some think it is, but it's needful so as to shut out every distraction and help our inner eyes and spirits to FOCUS only on JESUS whom all praises due πŸ™πŸŽΆπŸŽΉπŸŽ€πŸŽ· One of the many reasons why there are little or no manifestation of GOD'S spirit working miracles, wonders and healing during praise and worship sessions (as powerful as these spiritual tools are in the realm of the spirit) is because deep down in our hearts, we leave GOD out of the picture and replace HIM with men whose breath are in their nostrils.
Worshipping the creature rather than the creator.☁

...Do you still remember Paul and Silas? Kicked into prison, bound in chains, despite their condition they chose to praise/worship GOD in their pains and GOD moved to the sound of their music. We all know what happened thereafter.πŸŒ‹ What really made GOD move to their acapella? Was there a particular posture they took or list of songs they sang that night in that small dark room? NO it's not!!!
Their hearts were solely on GOD, their focus were as strong as a laser light.

GOD is a Spirit, so HE looks at the heart.
Focusing on GOD'S awesomeness, power, loving kindness make HIM move our mountains for us πŸŒ‹πŸŒ„ Please, take a closer look at this picture one more time and you'll understand better what I've been saying. #Actors in worship. We all should be real to express our love for GOD

Praise/worship session is also a part of the church service, it's never meant to while away time and wait for late commers to arrive church.
The blind, cripples, broken hearted, barren, sick, hopeless, jobless should all receive their miracles right in the praise/worship session, that's if our hearts are in the right place.

If you dare not take a selfie in front of your bosses during a very important job interview to post on facebook, instagram, snap chat so that your friends, frienemies, stalkers can 'like' and 'comment'. Then can someone please explain to me why would someone make/receive calls, chat, sleep, gaze and sit carelessly, discuss, exchange pleasantries, take selfie during worship to the same GOD who gave your feet strength to carry your body weight.
Hmmm...Some people are bold to dare some things sha😷 *Beware of the praises of men!πŸ™Œ ...So when next you get to a gathering and it's worship time, know that GOD is right there, and as sons and daughters HE expects us to reference HIM by giving HIM our love, attention and focusπŸ™
HE DESERVES YOUR LOVE AND REGARD!!! Selah! Think about this.πŸ‘€

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