Tuesday 31 May 2016

RAPTURE COMING SOON + AUDIO !!!! Narrated by Danzor Friday!!!

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We waited. We waited and we watched as you destroyed yourselves with preventable famines, diseases, and wars. We murmured amongst ourselves that surely it was time, was it not?
No one questioned the Father. No one ever questions the Father.
And then it was time. We prepared ourselves to go and claim the worthy souls before the end of days, to do our duty. We were ready, but we found ourselves standing idle.
All but me and down I went. I collected my souls and I waited for further instruction.
I'm here to tell you that we measured you and we found you wanting. Not one of you noticed as the worthy souls were taken because you were too entrenched in your own greed and they were few and beneath your notice. I collected my meager uptake and then I listened with my brethren to the Father's final instructions.
There will be no rain of fire. Your sun will not go black and the Angel of Death will remain in his place.
We waited, unsure of our purpose, but trusting the Father and His voice rang out like light cutting a swath through the darkness.
"Let them destroy themselves."
We're still waiting.

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