Sunday 10 January 2016

Too Bad! My Shocking Experience at a Church Today Almost Made Me Cry

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A man simply known on social media as Weeee shared his church experience today which he considers shocking and unacceptable.
Read below, what he wrote:
I was at a Church today and I almost wept for the black race. Is it that people don't read their Bibles or they just choose to be gullible and silly?

The Pastor or Prophet as he claimed he was always said that he isn't a beggar and he doesn't need anybody's money, but his actions were quite different. He acted like a beggar to me.

He was even so bold to request for so much money from his members and they saw nothing wrong at all. Okay, let me list all the money he collected so you can see for yourselves.

1) Who wants to give God the biggest note he/she has in his/her pocket?

2) Brown envelope.

3) White envelope.

4) Offering

5) Who wants to give money to the visiting Prophet? Tell the prophet thank you, Sow a seed now.

6) If you have 5000, 10,000 or any big amount of money you want to give to God.

Women came out mostly and I must say the church made almost N200,000 or even more in just a day and this happens every Tuesday and other days they fellowship.

Things I noticed about the church...

1) The Pastor is an owner of a big car, while the members were mostly poor women and few men.

2) The Pastors dressed far better than the members. In fact, the members looked like people with lots of financial problems.

3) The only things the members get from these Pastors are prayers and a promise that God will reward them in 2016. I remember that I went to this same church some years back and the members still looked the same with no much of a change.

When will Nigerians get back to their senses to realize that these Pastors are using their beliefs, emotions and gullibility to steal all the money they have?

Only when we begin to think and come to a reasonable conclusion that God doesn't need money, but humans do, that is when we will begin to think right.

I wish I could take a video of what went on.

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